Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
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Social Media Guidelines

Our social media platforms are family friendly and suitable for all ages, and we reserve the right not to publish, or to take down any comments that are deemed to be unlawful, offensive, defamatory or which may otherwise cause damage to our reputation or bring it into disrepute.

These guidelines apply to all participants (public or otherwise) on our social media platforms to ensure fair and respectful interaction between members of the general public, and between the public and the platform host.

Advice and Guidance for the Public

Always be polite and respectful of people’s opinions, especially when discussions get heated.

Do not post content that is obscene, defamatory, threatening or discriminatory to an individual, brand or organisation.

Do not swear or use profanities.

Do not post comments that you would not say directly to another person and consider how others may react before you post.

Show proper consideration for other people’s privacy.

Respect other’s intellectual property including trademarked names and slogans.

Make sure you have permission to post copyright items, properly attribute the work to the copyright owner where required, and never use someone else’s work as if it were your own. If unsure who might own an item of content it is better not to post the content.

Being fair and respectful means:

  • not swearing or using profanities;
  • avoiding negative descriptions of personal characteristics, culture or beliefs that are irrelevant or derogatory; and
  • avoiding content that may be viewed by diverse audiences as inappropriate, offensive, discriminatory or defamatory.

Advice and Guidance for Social Media Hosts and Moderator

Always act in a professional and constructive manner and use sound judgement when posting.

Posts should be accurate and fact-checked and capable of substantiation. If a mistake is made, ensure it is corrected promptly. It is important to reference the earlier comment because even if the erroneous comment has been deleted, someone may have saved it as an image or other format to use as evidence.

Do not make false representations about yourself, the organisation or its stakeholders. This could contravene Malaysian laws.

Posts containing good and bad reviews of our Services as the venue Operator or Manager, including services outsourced directly by us, should be posted provided they comply with the advice and guidance for the public (as above).

Reviews of services provided by others which are outside the scope and control of the venue Operator or Manager (e.g. transport services; public infrastructure and maintenance) should not be approved or posted.

When responding to comments (whether positive or negative) from customers always be accurate and professional.

Always abide by the terms of use of the social media platform and the above advice and guidance for the public.

Do not cite, post or reference clients, partners, contractors or suppliers without approval from the relevant Executive.

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